And There’s More…


This image (Click on it to See the Full Image) is my own personal amino acid hydrophobicity scale indicating the side chains as well as electron donors and acceptors. I made this for a class, but I still refer to it for very similar amino acids.


Unfortunately, the compilation of my scientific endeavors in other posts is incomplete, but I’ve definitely done so much more.

Much of my data is on a less-than-reliable laptop from which I am still extracting data.

But here’s a brief review of what I’ve done, and the pictures will come soon:


Materials Science, BioEngineering, and Robotics:

Time Dependent Grain Analysis of Steel


Hardness Testing

FIRST Robotics

Intel CARSEF Science Fair

Futurist Work (Focus on Robotics)

SixSigma and Lean Manufacturing

Anti-Fungal Flexible DipCoating for Medical Devices

Cell Separation Microfluidic Device for Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells (Fabricated)

Analysis of Implantable Microfluidic Liver Alternative Device Feasibility

Micro-Needle Array for Interstitial Fluid ELISA

Conductive 3D Surface Geometries: Changes in Conductivity due to Resistance Introduction

MicroHairs for Reducing device impedance mismatch for Soft Tissue Implants

3D Printing Single Extruder Dissolvable Supports using Photocrosslinking


CS and Web:

Iviorians Data Visualization

IoT Networking: Dealing with Band Crowding Polymer Search API and Interface


Design and Photography:

Concert Photography for Mish Mash Magazine

Voices Literary Magazine Editor and Layout Design